Andean civilizations History of South America

1 andean civilizations

1.1 chavín
1.2 moche
1.3 tiwanaku
1.4 inca

andean civilizations


the chavín, south american preliterate civilization, established trade network , developed agriculture 900 bce, according estimates , archeological finds. artifacts found @ site called chavín de huantar in modern peru @ elevation of 3,177 meters. chavín civilization spanned 900 200 bce.


the ancient city of moche huaca del sol in background

the moche thrived on north coast of peru 2000–1500 years ago. heritage of moche comes down through elaborate burials, excavated ucla s christopher b. donnan in association national geographic society.

skilled artisans, moche technologically advanced people traded faraway peoples, maya. knowledge moche has been derived ceramic pottery, carved representations of daily lives. practiced human sacrifice, had blood-drinking rituals, , religion incorporated non-procreative sexual practices (such fellatio).


the tiwanaku settled in present-day bolivia in around 400 bc.


holding capital @ great puma-shaped city of cuzco, inca civilization dominated andes region 1438 1533. known tawantin suyu, or land of 4 regions, in quechua, inca civilization highly distinct , developed. inca rule extended hundred linguistic or ethnic communities, 9 14 million people connected 25,000-kilometer road system. cities built precise, unmatched stonework, constructed on many levels of mountain terrain. terrace farming useful form of agriculture. there evidence of excellent metalwork , successful skull surgery in inca civilization. inca had no written language, used quipu, system of knotted strings, record information.


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