Candidates Boden Professor of Sanskrit election, 1860

max müller, photographed in 1857 lewis carroll

although 5 men indicated intent seek chair in 1860 or proposed in absence, in end 2 contested election monier williams , max müller. williams (known later in life sir monier monier-williams) son of army officer , born in india. studied briefly @ balliol college, oxford, before training @ haileybury civil service in india. death of brother in battle in india led him return oxford complete degree. studied sanskrit wilson before teaching , other languages @ haileybury 1844 until 1858, when closed following indian rebellion. prepared english–sanskrit dictionary, @ wilson s prompting, east india company published in 1851; sanskrit–english dictionary supported secretary of state india. dutch anthropologist peter van der veer has written, williams had evangelical zeal according views had inspired boden establish chair.

müller german duchy of anhalt-dessau , took sanskrit @ university fresh intellectual challenge after mastering greek , latin. @ time, sanskrit comparatively new subject of study in europe, , connections traditional classical languages had attracted interest examining nature , history of languages. obtained doctorate leipzig university in 1843, aged 19, , after year studying in berlin began work in paris on first printed edition of rig veda (an ancient collection of vedic sanskrit hymns). supposed brief visit england research in 1846 turned lifelong stay. prussian diplomat baron von bunsen , wilson persuaded directors of east india company provide financial support oxford university press publish rig veda. müller settled in oxford in 1848 , continued sanskrit research, becoming taylorian professor of modern european languages in 1854 after 3 years deputy professor; in post paid £500 per year, half stipend of boden chair. british citizen 1855, elected fellow of souls college in 1858, unprecedented honour foreigner @ time , in words of biographer, indian writer nirad c. chaudhuri.

three other scholars indicated intention stand chair, or nominated others, withdrew before ballot. candidacy of edward cowell, professor of sanskrit @ government college in calcutta, announced in times on 28 may 1860, said wilson had pronounced him eminently qualified succeed him. later wrote india refusing stand against müller. ralph griffith, former boden scholar professor @ government sanskrit college in benares, announced candidacy in august 1860, withdrew in november. james r. ballantyne, principal of college in benares, proposed in june 1860 friends based in england, described him chief of british sanscrit scholars .

müller s manifesto

müller announced candidacy on 14 may 1860, 6 days after wilson s death. submission convocation referred work in editing rig veda, saying without missionaries not learn teachings of hinduism, impeded work. therefore considered had spent principal part of life in promoting object of founder of chair of sanskrit. promised work exclusively on sanskrit, , said provide testimonials eminent sanskrit scholars in europe , india , missionaries had used publications overthrow ancient systems of idolatry in india. in due course, able provide list of missionary societies had requested copies of rig veda east india company, including church missionary society , society propagation of gospel.

williams s manifesto

williams declared intention stand election on 15 may 1860, 1 day after müller. in written submission convocation, emphasised suitability appointment in light of boden s missionary wishes. after giving details of life , career, particularly experience in sanskrit obtained @ haileybury, stated past 14 years 1 idea of life has been make myself thoroughly conversant sanskrit, , every means in power facilitate study of literature. assured voters that, if elected, utmost energies shall devoted 1 object founder had in view;—namely promotion of more general , critical knowledge of sanskrit language, means of enabling englishmen proceed in conversion of natives of india christian religion. unlike müller, regarded study of sanskrit chiefly means missionary conversion of hindus rather end in , dowling puts it. in way, dowling says, attempt deflect attention modest abilities in classical sanskrit when compared müller s internationally acknowledged achievements . moreover, appeal boden s original intentions came during period when convocation tended pay little attention expressed wishes of benefactors.


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