A True Relation of my Birth, Breeding, and Life (1656) Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

1 true relation of birth, breeding, , life (1656)

1.1 years
1.2 lady-in-waiting queen henrietta maria
1.3 marriage william cavendish, marquis of newcastle
1.4 financial problems
1.5 extreme bashfulness , health
1.6 fashion , fame

a true relation of birth, breeding, , life (1656)

cavendish published autobiographical memoir true relation of birth, breeding, , life addendum collection natures pictures drawn fancies pencil life, in 1656. memoir related cavendish’s lineage, social status, fortune, upbringing, education, , marriage. within memoir, cavendish described pastimes , manners , offered account of own personality , ambition, including thoughts on extreme bashfulness, contemplative nature, , writing. cavendish shared views on gender (appropriate behavior , activity), politics (parliamentarians versus royalists) , class (the proper behavior of servants).

cavendish s memoir detailed lives of family including short biography of brother charles lucas, 1 of best civil war cavalier cavalry commanders executed parliamentarians treason during second english civil war. in addition, cavendish addressed economic , personal hardships , family faced result of war , political allegiance, such loss of estates , bereavements.

early years

mary lucas, older sister of margaret cavendish

cavendish s father, thomas lucas, exiled after duel resulted in death of 1 mr. brooks ; pardoned king james , returned england in 1603. youngest of 8 children, cavendish recorded spent great deal of time siblings. did not have formal education had access scholarly libraries , tutors, although intimated children paid little attention tutors, rather formality benefit . @ age, cavendish putting ideas , thoughts down on paper since during time period not common or accepted women publicly intelligent. kept intellectual endeavours within privacy of home. family 1 of relatively significant means , cavendish indicated despite being widow, mother chose keep family in condition not muych lower when father alive; children had access honest pleasures , harmless delights. mother had little no male help.

lady-in-waiting queen henrietta maria

when queen henrietta maria in oxford, cavendish appealed mother permission become 1 of ladies-in-waiting. cavendish accompanied queen upon exile , moved france. took cavendish away family first time. notes while confident in company of siblings, amongst strangers became extremely bashful. cavendish explains afraid might speak or act inappropriately without siblings guidance, go against ambition received , liked. spoke when absolutely necessary and, consequently, came regarded fool. cavendish excused behaviour stating preferred received fool rather wanton or rude. regretting had left home lady-in-waiting, cavendish informed mother wanted leave court. mother, however, persuaded cavendish stay rather disgrace herself leaving , provided funds that, cavendish notes, quite exceeded normal means of courtier. cavendish remained lady-in-waiting 2 more years until married william cavendish was, @ time, marquis of newcastle (he later made duke).

marriage william cavendish, marquis of newcastle

cavendish noted husband liked bashfulness. stated man ever in love with, loving him not title, wealth or power, merit, justice, gratitude, duty, , fidelity. believed these attributes hold people together, through misfortune. further credited such qualities assisting husband , family endure suffering experienced result of political allegiance. cavendish never had children, despite efforts made physician inability conceive. husband had 2 children previous marriage survive infancy went on write comedy portrayed couple newlyweds.

financial problems

a few years after marriage, cavendish , husband s brother, sir charles cavendish, returned england. cavendish had heard husband s estate (sequestrated due being royalist delinquent) sold , she, wife, hope benefit sale. cavendish, however, received no benefit. pointedly noted while many women petitioned funds, herself petitioned once and, being denied, decided such efforts not worth trouble. after year , half left england husband again.

extreme bashfulness , health

cavendish asserted in true relation of birth, breeding, , life bashful nature, described melancholia , made repent going home see world abroad. melancholic nature manifested in reluctance talk work in public spheres, satirised , reconceptualised in writing cavendish both defined , administered self-cures physical manifestations of melancholia, included chill paleness, inability speak, , erratic gestures.

fashion , fame

in memoir, cavendish explained enjoyment in reinventing herself through fashion. said aimed uniqueness in dress, thoughts, , behavior, , disliked wearing same fashions other women. made desire achieve fame public. several passages of memoir remarked upon virtuous character, , while acknowledged goodness in others, thought acceptable should hope better them. cavendish said ambition have everlasting fame. expected criticized decision write memoir. responded stating wrote memoir herself not delight, later generations have true account of lineage , life. said felt justified in writing memoirs since had been done others, such caesar , ovid.


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