Academics Boston University

1 academics

1.1 colleges , schools
1.2 rankings
1.3 research
1.4 grade deflation
1.5 journals , publications
1.6 special academic programs

1.6.1 general education: bu hub
1.6.2 kilachand honors college
1.6.3 trustee scholars program

1.7 boston university academy

colleges , schools

boston university offers bachelor s degrees, master s degrees, , doctorates, , medical, dental, , law degrees through 18 schools , colleges. newest school @ boston university frederick s. pardee school of global studies (established 2014), , newest name questrom school of business (renamed in 2015).

each school , college @ university has 3 letter abbreviation, commonly used in place of full school or college name. example, college of arts , sciences commonly referred cas, questrom school of business qsb, school of education sed, etc.

the college of fine arts formerly named school of fine arts (sfa). college of arts , sciences (cas) formerly named college of liberal arts (cla). college of communication formerly named school of public communication (spc). questrom school of business (qsb) formerly known school of management (smg), , college of business administration (cba) prior that. college of general studies (cgs) formerly named college of basic studies (cbs).

the mental health counseling , behavioral medicine (mhcbm) program @ boston university school of medicine offers master s degree students wish become licensed practice mental health counselor. program adheres educational guidelines , standards of american counseling association (aca), american mental health counselors association (amhca), , council accreditation of counseling , related educational programs (cacrep), independent agency recognized council higher education accreditation. mhcbm program counselor education program in entire united states housed in medical school solely training students in clinical mental health counseling treat clients , patients mental disorder via counseling , psychotherapy.


sponsored program awards fy1971-2016

u.s. news & world report ranks boston university tied 37th among national universities , 32nd among global universities 2018. boston university ranked 10th among public health graduate schools, 12th among social work schools, tied 20th among law schools, tied 29th among medical schools (research), 35th among engineering schools, tied 41st among business schools, , 45th among education schools.

in 2014, bu s qsb undergraduate (business) program ranked 23rd bloomberg businessweek.

qs world university rankings ranked boston university 81st overall in world in 2018 rankings, 5-star rating.

times higher education ranked boston university 64th in world 2016-17.

times higher education ranked boston university 11th in 2016 global university employability rankings.

the academic ranking of world universities ranks boston university 39th in united states, , 75th in world, in 2016 list.

newsweek (international edition), in list of top 100 global universities, ranked boston university 35th in united states, , 65th in world.

the economics department @ boston university ranked 20th in world of february 2016. additionally, u.s. news & world report ranks program in economics 24th in u.s. 2017.

the biomedical engineering graduate , undergraduate programs ranked 7th , 8th respectively in nation , rising u.s. news & world report. undergraduate program sixth-largest abet-accredited program in nation.

additionally, of professional graduate programs in boston university college of health , rehabilitation sciences: sargent college rank within top 8% in country. occupational therapy program ranked 2nd out of 156 programs; physical therapy program ranked 16th out of 201 programs; , speech-language pathology program ranked 21st out of 250 programs.

the college of communication journalism , communication programs highly ranked nationally film program ranked 11th hollywood reporter in 2013.

business week ranks boston university s mba program 38th, , undergraduate business program 18th.

the economist ranks boston university school of management 42nd among global mba programs in 2010.

the financial times ranks boston university s mba program 68th in world.

quantnet ranks boston university s mathematical finance program 14th in world.

the chronicle of higher education places boston university school of social work sixth in nation research productivity faculty.

the center measuring university performance ranks boston university among top 50 research universities in country.

bu 1 of 96 american universities receiving highest research classification ( ru/vh ) carnegie foundation.


the talbot building located on medical campus houses school of public health

in fy2016, university reported in $368.9 million in sponsored research, comprising 1,896 awards 722 faculty investigators. funding sources included national science foundation (nsf), national institutes of health (nih), department of defense, european commission of european union, susan g. komen foundation, , federal health resources , services administration. university’s research enterprise encompasses dozens of fields, primary focus lies in 7 areas: data science, engineering biology, global health, infectious diseases, neuroscience, photonics, , urban health. university’s strategic plan calls removal of barriers between siloed departments, schools, , fields. result has been increasing emphasis university on interdisciplinary work , creation of multidisciplinary centers such center integrated life sciences & engineering (cilse), $140 million, nine-story research facility bring life scientists, engineers, , physicians medical , charles river campuses; institute health systems innovation & policy, cross-campus initiative combining business, health law, medicine, , public policy; neurophotonics center combine photonics , neuroscience study brain; , software & application innovation lab (sail), where technologists work colleagues in arts , humanities , develop digital research tools.

the strategic plan encouraged research collaborations industry , government partners. in 2016, part of broadbased effort solve critical problem of antibiotic resistance, department of health & human services selected boston university school of law (law)—and kevin outterson, bu professor of law—to lead $350 million trans-atlantic public-private partnership foster preclinical development of new antibiotics , antimicrobial rapid diagnostics , vaccines.

that same year, bu researcher avrum spira joined forces janssen research & development , disease interception accelerator group. spira—a professor of medicine, pathology , laboratory medicine, , bioinformatics—has spent career @ bu pursuing better, , earlier, way diagnose pulmonary disorders , cancers, using biomarkers , genomic testing. in 2015, under $13.7 million defense department grant, spira’s efforts identify members of military develop lung cancer , copd caught attention of janssen, part johnson & johnson. investing $10.1 million collaborate spira’s lab hope discoveries—and potential therapies—could apply population @ large.

grade deflation

the independently-run student newspaper @ boston university, daily free press, new york times, have published articles exploring existence of grade deflation. times discovered administrators have suggested faculty members deflated ideal grade distributions. though article in official publication bu today asserted gpas of bu undergrads , percentage of , bs have both risen on last 2 decades , new york times has found bu grades have been rising more respect many other schools.

in 2014, average gpa of bu undergraduate 3.16, compared averages of 3.35 boston college (2007), 3.48 amherst college (2006), 3.52 new york university (2015), , 3.65 harvard university (2015).

about 81 percent of grades earned in either or b range (75% in b range). article went on note although university attempted curb grade inflation , inconsistency in late 1990s, both percentage of , gpas have been rising since. attributed grade inflation has occurred not teachers grading policies, increasing quality of each incoming class leads more top grades.

journals , publications

the rafik b. hariri building houses questrom school of business , office of university president

boston university home several academic journals , publications. school of law hosts 6 nationally recognized law journals, including boston university law review, american journal of law , medicine, review of banking & financial law, boston university international law journal, journal of science , technology law, , public interest law journal. school of education houses journal of education, oldest continuously published journal in field of education in country. in college of arts , sciences, studies in romanticism housed @ department of english , journal of field archeology housed @ department of archeology. department of history affiliated historical society, publishes journal of historical society , historically speaking. american journal of media psychology , public relations journal edited professors @ college of communication, home new england center investigative reporting, generates numerous publications yearly.

special academic programs
general education: bu hub

currently, each of 10 bu undergraduate schools , college have own general education program, , of them replaced new university-wide undergraduate curriculum, bu hub, go effect in fall of 2018. require minimum of 40 credits of course work in core capacities of: philosophical, aesthetic, , historical interpretation; scientific , social inquiry; quantitative reasoning; diversity, civic engagement, , global citizenship; written, oral, , multimedia communication; , intellectual toolkit includes critical thinking, collaboration, , creativity.

kilachand honors college

the university honors college matriculated first class in 2010. in 2011, renamed arvind , chandan nandlal kilachand honors college following $25 million donation rajen kilachand; largest donation in history of university. kilachand honors college university-wide community of faculty , students dedicated preserving, renewing, , rethinking classic ideals of liberal education: love of learning, intellectual curiosity, self-discovery, empathy, clarity of thought , expression. rests on 3 pillars: integrated, four-year curriculum; extensive series of co-curricular events include site-visits leading cultural institutions talks , readings leading figures in arts, sciences, , professions; and, finally, living , learning community offers students personal atmosphere of small liberal arts college , fosters responsibility , citizenship.

trustee scholars program

though not academic program per se, trustee scholars program merit-based, full-tuition scholarship top students. beyond financial benefits, trustee scholars treated special lectures distinguished professors. additionally, trustee scholars can live in designated residence on campus, boyd hall.

boston university academy

boston university academy private high school operated boston university. founded in 1993, school sits within university s campus , students offered opportunity take university courses.


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