Primary routes Highways in Colombia

1 primary routes

1.1 western trunk - national route 25
1.2 magdalena trunk - national route 45
1.3 caribbean transverse - national route 90
1.4 buenaventura transverse - puerto carreño - national route 40
1.5 central trunk - national route 45a
1.6 north-central trunk - national route 55
1.7 carretera marginal de la selva - national route 65

primary routes

the main highways (with primary route numbers) include:

western trunk - national route 25

colombia crossed western trunk highway (part of pan-american highway) connects south ecuador (where highway called sierra trunk or troncal de sierra) , other south american countries. international route connects national highway network on rumichaca bridge in nariño department, marks international border between colombia , ecuador. there , north, road connects cities of pasto, popayán, cali, colombian coffee-growers axis (eje cafetero or coffee region ), anserma, medellín, sincelejo , barranquilla, connects caribbean transverse highway. difficulties arise in darién gap between panama , colombia there no connections land in colombia central america , rest of north america.

magdalena trunk - national route 45

the magdalena trunk crosses section between town of san miguel, putumayo @ border ecuador , point known y de ciénaga, few kilometers city of santa marta on caribbean sea. road runs parallel magdalena river, on right bank. pathway allows integration of central colombia system of ports located on caribbean coast ports of cartagena, barranquilla , santa marta.

caribbean transverse - national route 90

the caribbean transverse highway runs parallel caribbean sea coastline , joins cities of turbo (antioquia) , paraguachón (la guajira), connects highway network in venezuela. highway connects capital cities of region: montería, sincelejo, cartagena, barranquilla, santa marta , riohacha. route called caribbean trunk , connects magdalena trunk (national route 45) in place known y de ciénaga, 6 km town of ciénaga (magdalena) , western trunk @ 2 different points: in municipality of toluviejo (18 km sincelejo) , city of barranquilla.

buenaventura transverse - puerto carreño - national route 40

the buenaventura transverse highway connects country s largest port venezuelan border in puerto carreño. highway sections 06 (bogotá - villavicencio) , 07 (villavicencio - puerto lópez) part of autopista al llano ( llano tollway ) section of buenaventura transverse highway.

central trunk - national route 45a

the central trunk highway connects city of bogotá departments of boyacá , santander. major cities on route include zipaquirá, chiquinquirá , bucaramanga. highway ends in municipality of san alberto, connects magdalena trunk highway (national route 45).

north-central trunk - national route 55

the north-central trunk highway begins in village of la caro in town of chía, connecting bogotá , cundinamarca department municipalities of gachancipá, tocancipá , villapinzón. in boyacá department, route changes north-south direction , later reaches tunja, capital of boyacá department. highway continues through towns of paipa, duitama , soatá in boyacá department , málaga in santander department. highway terminates in puerto santander near border venezuela.

carretera marginal de la selva - national route 65

carretera marginal de la selva ( jungle border highway ) important south american route planned in 1963 join amazon regions of bolivia, peru, ecuador, colombia , venezuela. in colombia, route begins @ san miguel international bridge (on border ecuador) , follows first stretch of magdalena trunk highway municipality of villa, national route 65 turns north toward right side of cordillera oriental mountains. highway scheduled extended saravena on border venezuela; however, section between mina blanca , la uribe not built yet, highway divided 2 sections. southern section known forest trunk section , northern section known llano trunk section.


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