Use in medicine Erotic massage

french pelvic douche, circa 1860

a 1918 sears, roebuck , co. ad several models of vibrators

in western medical tradition, genital massage of woman orgasm physician or midwife standard treatment female hysteria, ailment considered common , chronic in women. in 1653, pieter van foreest advised technique of genital massage disease called womb disease bring woman hysterical paroxysm .

such cases quite profitable physicians, since patients @ no risk of death needed constant treatment. however, vaginal massage procedure (generally referred pelvic massage ) tedious , time-consuming physicians. technique difficult physician master , take hours achieve hysterical paroxysm . referral midwives, had been common practice, meant loss of business physician, and, @ times, husbands asked assist.

development of vibrator

a solution invention of massage devices, shortened needed treatment hours minutes, removing need midwives , increasing physician s treatment capacity. @ turn of century, hydrotherapy devices available @ bath, , mid-19th century, popular @ many high-profile bathing resorts across europe , in america. 1870, clockwork-driven vibrator available physicians. in 1873, first electromechanical vibrator used @ asylum in france treatment of hysteria.

while physicians of period acknowledged disorder stemmed sexual dissatisfaction, seemed unaware of or unwilling admit sexual purposes of devices used treat it. in fact, introduction of speculum far more controversial of vibrator.

by turn of 20th century, spread of home electricity brought vibrator consumer market. appeal of cheaper treatment in privacy of 1 s own home understandably made vibrator popular home appliance. in fact, electric home vibrator on market before many other home appliance essentials : 9 years before electric vacuum cleaner , 10 years before electric iron. page sears catalog of home electrical appliances 1918 includes portable vibrator attachments, billed useful , satisfactory home service .


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