Living former presidents President of France

according french law, former presidents have guaranteed lifetime pension defined according pay grade of councillors of state, courtesy diplomatic passport, and, according french constitution (article 56), membership of constitutional council.

they personnel, apartment and/or office, , other amenities, though legal basis these disputed. in 2008, according answer services of prime minister question member of national assembly rené dosière, these facilities comprised: security detail, car chauffeur, first class train tickets , office or housing space, maintained state. 2 people service space. in addition, state funds 7 permanent assistants.

president hollande announced reform of system in 2016. former presidents no longer receive car chauffeur, , personnel in living space cut well. additionally, number of assistants available use has been reduced, state flat or house remains available former presidents. train tickets available if trip justified office of former president. security personnel around former presidents remained unchanged.

the recent president die françois mitterrand (served 1981–1995) on 8 january 1996, aged 79.


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