Conquest of Chile Inés Suárez

saint james moor-slayer giovanni battista tiepolo (museum of fine arts, budapest).

in late 1539, on objections of francisco martínez , encouraged of captains, valdivia, using intermediary services of mercedarian priest, requested official permission suárez become part of group of 12 spaniards leading south. francisco pizarro, in letter valdivia (january 1540) granting permission suárez accompany valdivia domestic servant, addressed following words suárez, valdivia tells me, men afraid go on such long trip , courageously put in face of danger...

during long , harrowing trip south, suárez, in addition caring valdivia , treating sick , wounded, found water them in desert, , saved valdivia when 1 of rivals tried undermine enterprise , take life. natives, having experienced incursions of spaniards, (diego de almagro, 1535–1536) burned crops , drove off livestock, leaving nothing valdivia’s band , animals accompanied them.

in december 1540, eleven months after left cuzco, valdivia , band reached valley of mapocho river, valdivia establish capital of territory. valley extensive , populated natives. soil fertile , there abundant fresh water. 2 high hills provided defensive positions. after arrival, valdivia tried convince natives of intentions, sending delegations bearing gifts caciques.

the natives kept gifts but, united under leadership of michimalonco, attacked spaniards , @ point of overwhelming them. suddenly, natives threw down weapons , fled. captured indians declared had seen man, mounted on white horse , carrying naked sword, descend clouds , attack them. spaniards decided miraculous appearance of santo iago (saint james greater had been seen during reconquista @ battle of clavijo) and, in thanks, named new city santiago del nuevo extremo. city officially dedicated on february 12, 1541.

first destruction of santiago

inés de suárez beheading hostages

in august 1541, when valdivia occupied on coast, suárez uncovered plot unseat him. after plotters taken care of, valdivia turned attention indians , invited 7 caciques meet him arrange delivery of food. when indians arrived, valdivia had them held hostages safe delivery of provisions , safety of outlying settlements. on september 9, valdivia took forty men , left city put down uprising of indians near aconcagua.

early on morning of september 10, 1541, young yanakuna brought word captain alonso de monroy, had been left in charge of city, woods around city full of natives. suárez asked if thought indian hostages should released peace gesture. replied saw bad idea; if indians overpowered spaniards, hostages provide bargaining power. monroy accepted counsel , issued call council of war.

just before dawn on september 11, mounted spaniards rode out engage indians, numbers estimated first @ 8,000 , later @ 20,000, , led michimalonco. in spite of advantage of horses , skill swords, noon spaniards pushed retreat toward east, across mapocho river; and, mid-afternoon, backed plaza itself.

all day battle raged. fire arrows , torches set fire of city; 4 spaniards killed along score of horses , other animals. situation became desperate. priest, rodrigo gonzález marmolejo, said later fight day of judgment spaniards , miracle saved them.

all day suárez had been carrying food , water fighting men, nursing wounded, giving them encouragement , comfort. historian mariño de lobera wrote of activities during battle:

...and went among them, told them if felt fatigued , if wounded cure them own hands... went were, among hooves of horses; , did not cure them, animated them , raised morale, sending them battle renewed... 1 caballero wounds had treated, tired , weak loss of blood not mount horse. woman moved plea put herself midst of fray , helped him mount horse...

suárez recognized discouragement of men , extreme danger of situation; offered suggestion. day 7 caciques prisoners of spaniards, had been shouting encouragement people. suárez proposed spaniards decapitate 7 , toss heads out among indians in order frighten them. there objection plan, since several men felt fall of city imminent , captive caciques bargaining advantage indians. suárez insisted hers viable solution problem. went house chieftains guarded francisco rubio , hernando de la torre , gave order execution. mariño de lobera tells guard, la torre, asked, in manner shall kill them, lady? in manner, replied, and, seizing la torre’s sword, herself cut off heads. after 7 decapitated , heads thrown out among indians, suárez donned coat of mail , helmet and, throwing hide cloak on shoulders, rode out on white horse. according eyewitness, ...she went out plaza , put herself in front of soldiers, encouraging them words of such exaggerated praise treated if brave captain,...instead of woman masquerading soldier in iron mail.

the spaniards took advantage of confusion , disorder engendered among indians gory heads, , spurred on courageous woman led them, succeeded in driving disordered indians town. 1 historian wrote, indians said afterward christians have been defeated not woman on white horse.

in 1545, in recognition of courage , valor, valdivia rewarded suárez encomienda. testament of dedication said in part: battle enemies did not take account caciques our prisoners, in central place - indians came, ...throwing on you, , you, seeing how weakened beleaguered forces then, made them kill caciques prisoners, putting own hands on them, causing majority of indians run away , left off fighting when witnessed evidence of death of chieftains; if had not been killed , thrown among countrymen, there not single spaniard remaining alive in city... taking sword , letting if fall on necks of cacique prisoners, have saved of us.

although there great deal of consistency in accounts, given passage of time , tendency of spaniards embroider reports bit, there @ least exaggeration in telling. truth of matter is suárez played crucial role in salvation of santiago in 1541. had not been bravery , city have fallen , spaniards have been slaughtered indians, ending, @ least time, southward colonial expansion.


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