General election campaign 1972 George McGovern presidential campaign, 1972

1 general election campaign 1972

1.1 party disunity
1.2 eagleton controversy
1.3 watergate
1.4 issues , strategies
1.5 final days
1.6 results

general election campaign 1972

party disunity

the mcgovern commission changes convention rules marginalized influence of establishment democratic figures (some of whom had lost nomination mcgovern). many refused support him, switching support incumbent president richard nixon through campaign effort called democrats nixon . had effect of leaving mcgovern campaign @ significant disadvantage in funding compared nixon.

in addition, mcgovern repeatedly attacked associates of nixon, including infamous watergate break-in, led nixon s resignation in 1974.

eagleton controversy

just on 2 weeks after nomination, revealed thomas eagleton had received electroshock therapy clinical depression during 1960s. eagleton had made no mention of earlier hospitalizations mcgovern or mcgovern s staff, , in fact decided wife keep them secret mcgovern while flying first meeting presidential nominee.

eagleton had promised bring medical records mcgovern s review, did not. concealed fact on thorazine, powerful antipsychotic; when did disclose use of medication, noted couldn t discovered press because issued under wife s name. mcgovern spoke 2 of eagleton s doctors, both of whom expressed grave concerns eagleton s mental health. ultimately, portion of eagleton s medical records leaked mcgovern, @ point mcgovern saw reference manic depression , suicidal tendencies.

mcgovern had failed act when learned of mental health problems (though not severe extent) because own daughter depressed , wondered effect dumping eagleton because of depression have on her. ultimately, eagleton threatened if mcgovern tried force him off ticket, fight move. eagleton conditioned resignation on mcgovern s releasing statement, written eagleton, eagleton s health fine , mcgovern had no issues eagleton s mental status.

though many people still supported eagleton s candidacy, increasing number of influential politicians , columnists questioned ability handle office of vice president. mcgovern said eagleton “1000%”, , time magazine poll taken @ time found 77 percent of respondents said eagleton s medical record not affect vote. nonetheless, press made frequent references shock therapy , , mcgovern feared detract campaign platform. episode had placed mcgovern in no-win situation. if kept eagleton, selection did not decision-making ability of mcgovern team, while if removed eagleton, appeared weak , vacillating.

mcgovern subsequently consulted confidentially preeminent psychiatrists, including eagleton s own doctors, advised him recurrence of eagleton s depression possible , endanger country should eagleton become president. on august 1, eagleton withdrew @ mcgovern s request. perceived indecisiveness disastrous mcgovern campaign.

a new search begun mcgovern. kennedy, muskie, humphrey , ribicoff again declined nomination, did recent democratic national committee chair , former postmaster general larry o brien , florida governor reubin askew. mcgovern chose former united states ambassador france , former peace corps director sargent shriver, brother-in-law of john f. kennedy , ted kennedy. officially nominated special session of democratic national committee. time, mcgovern s poll ratings had plunged 41 24 percent.

mcgovern s handling of controversy opening republican campaign raise serious questions judgment. eagleton controversy put mcgovern campaign off message , speculated @ time perhaps harbinger of become mcgovern s subsequent landslide loss.


nixon ran campaign aggressive policy of keeping tabs on perceived enemies, , campaign aides committed watergate burglary steal democratic party information during election.

nixon s level of personal involvement burglary never clear, tactics during later coverup destroy public support after election , lead resignation.

issues , strategies

mcgovern speaking @ rally @ miller outdoor theatre in houston, texas, on october 16, 1972, during final weeks of campaign. sign behind him says houston mcgovern country .

mcgovern ran on platform of ending vietnam war , instituting guaranteed minimum incomes nation s poor. vietnam issue, remained 1 mcgovern passionate about, did not work him overall; majority of electorate thought nixon strong leader secure peace honor . mcgovern, in contrast, seen strident , tied radical elements of anti-war movement. 1972, nixon s strategy of vietnamization had resulted in withdrawal of u.s. troops, without appearing have given in communists, , popular dissatisfaction war did not accrue mcgovern s benefit.

nixon s so-called southern strategy of reducing pressure school desegregation , otherwise restricting federal efforts on behalf of blacks had powerful attraction northern blue-collar workers southerners. mcgovern called watergate burglaries kind of thing expect under person hitler.

final days

an infamous incident took place late in campaign. mcgovern giving speech , nixon admirer kept heckling him. mcgovern called young man on , whispered in ear, listen, son-of-a-bitch, why don t kiss ass? heckler confirmed inquiring journalist , remark reported. following night, kma buttons being worn people in crowds @ mcgovern rallies. several years later, mcgovern observed mississippi senator james eastland looking @ him across senate floor , chuckling himself. subsequently approached mcgovern , asked, did tell guy in 72 kiss ass? when mcgovern smiled , nodded, eastland replied, best line in campaign.

in last week of campaign, henry kissinger spoke of ongoing paris peace talks , said believe peace @ hand. mcgovern angrily responded nixon had no plan ending war , u.s. bombers keep flying.


the general election held on november 7. election had lowest voter turnout presidential election since 1948, 55 percent of electorate voting. part of steep drop previous elections can explained ratification of 26th amendment expanded franchise 18-year-olds.

in election, mcgovern/shriver ticket suffered 60.7 percent 37.5 percent defeat nixon , agnew. @ time, second biggest landslide in american history, electoral college totals of 520 17. mcgovern s 2 electoral vote victories came in massachusetts , washington, d.c.; mcgovern failed win home state of south dakota, state had delivered democrats in 3 of previous 18 presidential elections in 20th century. 1972 election first in american history in republican candidate carried every southern state. nixon s percentage of popular vote less lyndon johnson s record in 1964 election, , margin of victory larger. barry goldwater, defeated johnson in 1964, sent mcgovern newspaper political cartoon depicting 2 of them grandpa , granny [patterned after painting american gothic] linked our defeats , note scribbled george -- if must lose, lose big.

in telegram nixon conceding defeat, mcgovern wrote, hope in next 4 years lead time of peace abroad , justice @ home. have full support in such efforts.


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