Geography Schlossrued

view bänkel pass schlossrued

schlossrued has area, of 2009, of 7.22 square kilometers (2.79 sq mi). of area, 4.41 square kilometers (1.70 sq mi) or 61.1% used agricultural purposes, while 2.26 square kilometers (0.87 sq mi) or 31.3% forested. of rest of land, 0.57 square kilometers (0.22 sq mi) or 7.9% settled (buildings or roads), 0.02 km (4.9 acres) or 0.3% either rivers or lakes.

of built area, housing , buildings made 3.9% , transportation infrastructure made 3.0%. 28.0% of total land area heavily forested , 3.3% covered orchards or small clusters of trees. of agricultural land, 16.6% used growing crops , 41.7% pastures, while 2.8% used orchards or vine crops. water in municipality in rivers , streams.


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