Collaboration with the French Thami El Glaoui

1 collaboration french

1.1 opposition nationalists
1.2 rupture sultan
1.3 coup d état
1.4 popular uprising against coup

collaboration french
opposition nationalists

as part of resistance against french occupation, political party, istiqlal had started nationalist (i.e. anti-colonialist) policy. t hami , son brahim supporters of french, several of t hami s other sons nationalists. risky; had 1 of them imprisoned in dungeon.

t hami had grown , lived of life feudal warlord, , had many of other pashas , qaids. opposition nationalists based on conservatism:

the line of communication between people , sultan means of pashas , qaids; route tax money found way makhzen. no-one - not nationalists, commoners - should breach protocol. pashas , qaids believed social order benefit of subjects themselves. perhaps true extent: pasha or qaid expressing nationalist sympathy stripped of position french , replaced either puppet or french official detriment of subjects.
as challenging traditional political power, nationalists held responsible endangering spiritual leadership. traditional religious sensibilities amongst pashas , qaids outraged media pictures of royal princesses in bathing suits @ beach or pool. nationalists held blame introducing sultan such new-fangled anti-islamic ideas.

thami not opposed nationalism (in sense of being against french colonialism) in itself, offended seemed associated upset of established temporal , spiritual authority of sultan.

rupture sultan

two incidents led rupture of relations between t hami , sultan mohammed v.

mesfioua incident: on 18 november 1950 nationalists staged demonstration @ tomb in ruins of aghmat. brutally suppressed police acting on orders of local qaid of mesfioua tribe. sultan, on hearing of this, commanded qaid appear before him explain himself. order have gone qaid s superior, t hami, in paris , went instead deputy, son brahim. brahim, instead of obeying, decided consult father, omitted obtain definite response. end result sultan s order not carried out, , sultan gained impression glaoui family had deliberately ignored it.
laghzaoui incident: french had set council of throne supposedly advise sultan, in reality impose policy upon him. @ meeting of council on 6 december 1950, mohammed laghzaoui, nationalist, expelled person controlled council, french resident. other nationalist members left him, , received in private audience sultan. confirmed t hami nationalists , sultan breaching established protocols of communication.

at annual feast of mouloud customary sultan s subjects renew vows of loyalty him. done in private audiences pashas , qaids, , public demonstration assembled tribe.

t hami s audience took place on 23 december 1950. prior this, moulay larbi el alaoui, member of makhzen had reportedly primed sultan expect trouble t hami. sultan let known expected audience conform traditional pledges of loyalty no political content. t hami, however, started off blaming mesfioua , laghzaoui incidents on nationalists. when sultan calmly responded considered nationalists loyal moroccans, t hami exploded diatribe sultan sit speechless, judging better not provoke man had lost control of passions. after t hami exhausted himself, sultan continued silence t hami left palace. sultan conferred grand vizier , moulay larbi , gave orders t hami barred appearing before him until further notice. after grand vizier left recall t hami receive order, next 2 qaids admitted audience. happened these brahim , mohammed, t hami s sons, qaids in own right. brahim attempted smooth things on saying t hami had spoken father might son. suggesting acceptable way subject speak king in breach of protocol made matters worse. when t hami arrived @ palace, grand vizier told him both , family no longer welcome. t hami sent assembled tribespeoples , subordinate qaids home without waiting customary public demonstration of loyalty; action construed palace open mutiny.

coup d état

t hami regarded sultan s order personal insult must wiped out @ costs. in addition, makhzen dominated fassis (those city of fez), , there traditional mutual distrust between fassis , marrakesh. in t hami s memory of humiliation of himself , brother si madani @ hands of fassi-dominated makhzen during reigns of moulay abdelaziz , moulay hafid.

from moment on conspired abd el hay kittani , french replace mohammed v new sultan, elderly member of royal family named ben arafa. on 17 august 1953, kittani , glaoui unilaterally declared ben arafa country s imām. on 25 august 1953, french resident had sultan , family forcibly seized , deported exile, , ben arafa proclaimed new sultan.

popular uprising against coup

t hami had participated in 1 dethronement of sultan in 1907, had been met popular indifference. ossified memory, never expected dethronement lead insurrection. great mistake made t hami , associated pashas , qaids, according son abdessadeq, unlike mohammed v failed realise 1950 moroccan society had evolved stage feudal government no longer acceptable subjects.

a popular uprising began, directed against french against moroccan supporters. french citizens massacred, french forces responded equal brutality, , french colonists began campaign of terrorism against (moroccan or french) expressed nationalist sympathies. t hami target of grenade attack, did not injure him. chamberlain haj idder (formerly slave of si madani) injured in such attack, , on recovery came oppose french. finally, all-out war began in rif.


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