Release New Nintendo 3DS

new nintendo 3ds xl in metallic black.

new nintendo 3ds xl logo.

display case featuring new nintendo 3ds , face plates @ pax australia 2014.

the new nintendo 3ds first announced during japanese nintendo direct presentation streamed on august 29, 2014. new nintendo 3ds , 3ds ll released in japan on october 11, 2014; regular-sized version made available in black , white-colored versions, while ll made available in metallic blue , metallic black versions, additional limited edition designs on 38 different face plate designs available on launch in japan, showcased in pre-launch television commercial featured j-pop performer kyary pamyu pamyu. 230,000 units sold in first 2 days of availability.

the new nintendo 3ds , xl variant first released outside japan—in australia , new zealand, on november 21, 2014, smaller model available in white. in europe, new nintendo 3ds first made available online on january 6, 2015 in special white ambassador edition bundle, exclusive club nintendo members, charging dock , 2 face plates included.

on january 14, 2015, nintendo announced new systems released @ retail in north america , europe on february 13, 2015. in europe, new nintendo 3ds available in black or white, , xl variant in metallic black or metallic blue. in north america, xl model released in metallic red , metallic black (renamed new red , new black ). special legend of zelda: majora s mask 3d , monster hunter 4 ultimate-themed variants released @ launch in both regions. 335,000 units sold during first week of availability in europe , north america.

only xl model released in north america; although nintendo did not rule out possibility of release of regular new nintendo 3ds in future, nintendo of america representative damon baker explained did not want confuse consumers, , face plates not enough of reason smaller-sized system released in north america. social media campaign emerged called upon nintendo of america release model in north america. in march 2015, fcc lifted information embargo regarding regulation details performed in september 2014 on standard new nintendo 3ds model, suggesting nintendo of america did indeed consider releasing smaller standard model @ 1 point.

on august 31, 2015, @ gamestop managers conference in las vegas, nintendo of america confirmed standard new 3ds system launch in region on september 25, 2015, animal crossing: happy home designer-themed bundle including console, game software, 2 faceplates, , amiibo card. second legend of zelda-themed xl bundle, hyrule edition , announced gamestop exclusive release on october 30, 2015.

in january 2016, special pokémon-themed new nintendo 3ds bundle announced release in north america on february 27, 2016, coincide 20th anniversary virtual console release of original pokémon games. model bundled both pokémon red , pokémon blue, charizard , blastoise-themed faceplates, , downloadable home menu skin.

in august 2016, super mario 3d land new 3ds bundle 2 faceplates released in north america exclusive target , walmart. nintendo released black- , white-colored new 3ds models mario-themed designs in north america in november 2016; black friday, 2 models sold @ us$99.99 —a price $20 higher of 2ds.

in july 2017, nintendo confirmed, in lead-up release of new nintendo 2ds xl, production on standard-sized new nintendo 3ds in japan had ended. xl model remains in production..


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