Tokugawa period Anti-Chinese sentiment in Japan

from 1600 1868, during tokugawa period, japan transformed country divided civil war unified, stable, , mature state. period saw attempt remove foreign, including chinese, influence on japanese culture.

during time, japan remained isolated world, culture developed little foreign influence. 1 of major cultural movements of tokugawa period institution of branch of scholarship called kokugaku (国学), literally national studies , commonly translated japanese studies . practitioners of movement, or kokugakushu, attempted distinguish between genuine japanese culture , foreign culture, , restore japanese culture before influence of foreigners—especially chinese. work had large focus on shinto, japan s indigenous religion. tokugawa confucians tried link shinto china pinpointing chinese origins. hirata school of kokugaku movement responded initiating project japanize ching, book major influence on shinto, claiming of japanese origin. project completed aizawa seishisai emptying ching of chinese content. rise in national self-respect during time resulted in japan viewing center of civilized world surrounded barbarians.


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