History Roman Catholic Diocese of Nashville

cathedral of incarnation, nashville

extent of diocese

prior 1970, diocese encompassed entire state. @ time, pope paul vi removed westernmost counties in state create new diocese of memphis; 18 years later, pope john paul ii removed easternmost counties create diocese of knoxville. diocese includes 38 counties spread on 16,302 square miles. catholic population of diocese estimated @ approximately 76,000 individuals registered in parishes, represents 3.4% of overall population in middle tennessee. in 2016 mass offered in spanish, vietnamese, latin, , korean. diocese has 75 priests , 70 permanent deacons serving 53 parishes. there 34 seminarians studying priesthood.

the remnant nashville diocese encompasses counties in middle grand division of state, majority of membership living in nashville , surrounding suburbs. however, parishes outside area have seen considerable growth in recent times due influx of hispanic immigrants settling in smaller communities; sometimes, spanish-speaking membership outnumbers english-speaking communicants in such churches. services said in english 1 priest , in spanish second priest. common have 3 or more services each weekend.

a study released in 2014 center applied research in apostolate (cara) @ georgetown university cited diocese of nashville having 8th highest rate of conversions catholicism.

the cathedral of diocese cathedral of incarnation, located on west end avenue in nashville, close vanderbilt university campus. st. mary s church, located in downtown, served diocese s cathedral until 1914.

sexual abuse cases

the nashville diocese has had share of sexual abuse scandals, several of came light in 2000s after investigation of roman catholic archdiocese of boston. in 2003 allegations began surface father ryan high school principal ronald dickman had been forced resign in 1987 due reports of molesting 2 students. mark cunningham, local catholic businessman, reported had alerted father giacosa in 1991 mark cunningham s late brother john cunningham, jr., had been molested ronald dickman. in 1991, ronald dickman left priesthood, , in 1992 left job executive director of nashville s crisis intervention center after officials @ center received multiple reports ronald dickman had molested children. in taped conversations between mark cunningham , nashville diocese attorney gino marchetti, gino marchetti refused acknowledge ronald dickman removed priesthood due allegation of molestation admitted: don t have damn rocket scientist figure out has been in priesthood for, know, whatever, 20 years - that, know, comes in august or september of 91 , december 1, 91 he, quote, leaves priesthood, unquote. ... mean, said, doesn t take rocket scientist figure out. after mark cunningham released recordings of conversations tennessean, rick mussachio (a spokesman nashville diocese) conceded in january 2003 gino acknowledged mark conversation between mark , father giacosa took place in 1991 , might draw conclusion there connection between meeting giacosa , dickman s departure priesthood. however, inference conversation confirms allegation of sexual abuse of minor incorrect. father ryan alumnus, david brown, came forward in 2005 (when diocese of nashville released victims confidentiality agreements) allegations former biology teacher rev. paul frederick haas had molested children @ father ryan in 1960s before transfer kentucky. brown had alerted nashville diocese in 1996, nashville diocese induced him settle case after bishop kmiec told him: yours isolated case. . . . don t know of others.

in 2011, controversy arose on naming of diocese s football stadium @ father ryan high school after former teacher father charles giacosa, bequeathed approximately $1 million construction of stadium. father ryan alumnus , local businessman charles michael coode, claimed abused former father ryan priest in 1953 before father giacosa s tenure, wrote letters father ryan board of trustees criticizing decision honor father giacosa. detailed in opinion of tennessee supreme court reversing grant of summary judgment roman catholic diocese of nashville, father giacosa , bishop niedergeses aware in 1986 father mckeown had sexual contact approximately thirty boys on past 14 years. nashville diocese sent father mckeown in-patient treatment @ institute of living in hartford, connecticut, october 1986-march 1987. father giacosa , bishop niedergeses transferred father mckeown nashville in spring of 1987. although diocese putatively forbade mckeown s access youth, . . . mckeown heard children s confessions, participated openly in various diocesan youth activities including overnight, lock-ins, , spent time individually minor boys whom had made contact through diocese. . . . record indicates bishop niedergeses , father giacosa became aware of if not of these activities no later february 1989. father giacosa , bishop niedergeses took action because, according notes meeting in 1988 father mckeown, worried diocese being exposed in sensationalistic news television. father giacosa s notes meeting labeled top secrecy hurt church , indicated wanted diocese avoid financial liability sexual misconduct. father giacosa , bishop niedergeses induced mckeown depart diocese property in 1989 after mckeown presented minor boy condom @ christmas party, diocese continued pay mckeown until 1994. according tennessee supreme court, [i]n 1995 bishop kmiec, bishop niedergeses successor, became aware parent in knoxville alleged mckeown had molested son several years earlier. 1995 1999 mckeown sexually abused 2 minor boys whom accompanied on sidelines during football games @ diocesan high school. finally, after years of nashville diocese s failure report father mckeown, convicted after 2 boys , parents reported abuse nashville metro police department.


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