Career John Bunyan Slaughter

u lazy s carriage house, @ national ranching heritage center in lubbock, texas.

slaughter became cattle driver brother , brother c.c., when 3 men drove cattle on chisholm trail way abilene, kansas in 1866. in 1870s, slaughter , brother john claimed rangeland near mcdonald creek in crosby county, texas. 2 brothers raised cattle on ranch , drove kansas, sold annually. sold in 1883 , claimed rangeland in socorro county, new mexico. however, shootout occurred on october 30–31, 1884 between slaughters s cowboys , cowboys hired solomon luna, rancher. when luna sued slaughters, won lawsuit. meanwhile, slaughter ranched near green river in utah, followed eastern new mexico.

slaughter acquired ranch in glasscock county, texas in 1890. managed until 1898, when sold it. meanwhile, served vice president of people s national bank of colorado city, texas.

slaughter acquired 99,188-acre u lazy s ranch in garza county, texas, in 1901. manager twenty-seven years. in 1902, built ranchhouse, subsequently listed texas landmark. in 1906, sold 50,000 acres c. w. post, founded new town of post, texas.


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