Main event matches Lockdown (2005)

a.j. styles defeated abyss future nwa world heavyweight championship match @ lockdown.

the tna x division championship defended in bout lasted 15 minutes , 28 seconds between then-champion christopher daniels , elix skipper. during encounter, daniels performed signature backflip, best moonsault ever, on skipper, earned him near-fall. skipper later jumped off top of cage , bashed daniels in of head forearm. gained skipper near-fall. daniels went on perform signature maneuver, angel wings, on skipper, forced him face-first mat , allowed him gain pinfall , retain title.

team nash (diamond dallas page, sean waltman, , unknown member) fought team jarrett (jeff jarrett, monty brown, , outlaw) in first-ever three-on-three lethal lockdown match, ran 15 minutes , 35 seconds. waltman , jarrett started match fighting through crowd before entering cage. after 5 minutes, outlaw joined match , helped jarrett attack waltman. diamond dallas page entered match 2 minutes later , attacked jarrett , outlaw cane. following 2 minutes, brown joined fray, finished out team jarrett, , threw waltman cage wall. final member of team nash revealed after final 2 minutes, b.g. james thrown mix allowed pinfall or submission occur. brown gained near-fall team jarrett on james after forcing him trash can signature maneuver, pounce. eventually, waltman performed move called hurricanrana on brown, leading pinfall , victory.

the main event between a.j. styles , abyss, in winner received nwa world heavyweight championship match @ hard justice. duration 18 minutes even. match began on outside styles performed front-flip onto abyss, standing in doorway of cage. later, styles enter cage, abyss slammed door twice styles, while second door slam second hit him in face , caused him crash floor , bleed forehead. during contest, abyss used steel chain weapon open styles wound more. @ 1 point, abyss opened bag , poured large number of thumbtacks onto mat, proceeding try slam styles them. styles countered , slammed abyss face-first tacks instead signature maneuver, styles clash. near end of contest, styles climbed steel cage , stood on top, abyss grabbed , threw referee cage wall, causing styles fall , barely hang on. abyss followed climbing cage , hanging styles neck brief time steel chain. then, styles performed sunset flip powerbomb , slammed abyss tacks back-first. followed covering 3 count, winning of encounter , earning future title match.


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