Health effects Rationing in the United Kingdom

in december 1939 elsie widdowson , robert mccance of university of cambridge tested whether united kingdom survive domestic food production if u-boats ended imports. using 1938 food-production data, fed , other volunteers 1 egg, 1 pound of meat , 4 ounces of fish week; 1 quarter pint of milk day; 4 ounces of margarine; , unlimited amounts of potatoes, vegetables , wholemeal bread. 2 weeks of intensive outdoor exercise simulated strenuous wartime physical work britons have perform. scientists found subjects health , performance remained after 3 months, negative results being increased time needed meals consume necessary calories bread , potatoes , described remarkable increase in flatulence high amount of starch in diet. scientists noted faeces had increased 250 percent in volume.

the results—kept secret until after war—gave government confidence if necessary, food distributed equally all, including high-value war workers, without causing widespread health problems. britons actual wartime diet never severe in cambridge study because imports united states avoided u-boats, rationing improved health of british people; infant mortality declined , life expectancy rose, discounting deaths caused hostilities. because ensured had access varied diet enough vitamins.


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