Public catering Rationing in the United Kingdom

a british restaurant in london, 1943

restaurants exempt rationing resented, people more money supplement food rations eating out frequently. ministry of food in may 1942 issued new restrictions on restaurants:

meals limited 3 courses; 1 component dish contain fish or game or poultry (but not more 1 of these)
in general no meals served between 11:00 p.m. (midnight in london) , 5:00 a.m. without special licence
the maximum price of meal 5 shillings, charges allowed cabaret shows , luxury hotels.

about 2,000 new wartime establishments called british restaurants run local authorities in schools , church halls. here plain three-course meal cost 9d , no ration coupons required. evolved london county council s londoners meals service, began emergency system feeding people had been blitzed out of homes. open , served office , industrial workers.


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