Territorial agreements with European powers Italian Libya

expansion of italian libya. dark green: territories ceded ottoman empire in 1912; greyish green: territories ceded france in 1919; light green: territories ceded britain in 1926; white: territories gained conquering kufra district in 1931; red: territories ceded britain in 1934; dark red: territories ceded france in 1935.

the colony expanded after concessions british colony of sudan , territorial agreement egypt. kufra district nominally attached british-occupied egypt until 1925, in fact remained headquarters senussi resistance until conquered italians in 1931. kingdom of italy @ 1919 paris conference of peace received nothing german colonies, compensation great britain gave oltre giuba , france agreed give saharan territories italian libya.

after prolonged discussions through 1920s, not until 1935 mussolini-laval agreement reached , italy received aouzou strip added libya (but agreement not ratified later france).

in 1931, towns of el tag , al jawf taken on italy. british egypt had ceded kufra , jarabub italian libya on december 6, 1925, not until 1930s italy in full control of place. in 1931, during campaign of cyrenaica, general rodolfo graziani conquered kufra district, considered strategic region, leading 3,000 soldiers infantry , artillery, supported twenty bombers. ma tan as-sarra turned on italy in 1934 part of sarra triangle colonial italy anglo-egyptian condominium, considered area worthless , act of cheap appeasement benito mussolini s attempts @ empire. during time, italian colonial forces built world war i–style fort in el tag in mid-1930s.


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