Flexity Outlooks Toronto streetcar system rolling stock

the bombardier flexity outlook being tested in toronto.

the original clrvs reaching end of thirty-year service life. ttc had planned rebuild clrvs extend useful life ten fifteen years , add new features such air conditioning. rationale not purchase new streetcars until alrvs reached obsolescence. on july 26, 2006, first streetcar air conditioning (number 4041) entered revenue service. however, new funding senior governments, new low-floor, higher-capacity streetcars began replacing current fleet , route route starting in 2014. plan has been changed refurbish 100 clrvs meet toronto s immediate requirements new streetcars come in, remaining 96 streetcars rebuilt if introduction of new models delayed.

in june 2007, ttc launched public consultation on design of new streetcars, including online survey, , displays @ finch , scarborough centre stations, albion centre, , yonge-dundas square. mock-ups of bombardier flexity swift (as used in minneapolis) , siemens combino plus on display @ 2007 canadian national exhibition in front of enercare centre, known direct energy centre.

on september 19, 2007, ttc published specifications ‘lf lrv’, calling proposed new streetcars, explains seeking beyond vehicle compatible ttc’s existing tracks, require tight turning radii, hill-climbing ability, , compatibility single-leaf switches. tender requests tram/streetcar of 27–30 m, multiple points of articulation, , 3 powered bogies.

though document stated ttc accept well-designed 70% low-floor streetcar, decided seek 100% low-floor design; folding ramps may fitted @ doors allow stepless boarding platforms not available. fleet replacing clrvs , alrvs remain single-ended doors on right only, , retain current collection trolley pole, ttc requested provision made future conversion pantograph, , option of buying bi-directional version of streetcar new lines available. provision made ticket-vending machines on board, rather have driver take fares.

the ttc tendering initial order of 204 flexity outlook cityrunner streetcars, first prototypes delivered in 2010. current projections population increases , new lines indicate 2026, ttc need extend fleet between 350 , 480 streetcars, suggesting replacements clrvs , alrvs merely first of large fleet.

bombardier, siemens, ansaldobreda, mytram, vossloh kiepe, , kinki sharyo expressed interest in competing supply new streetcars, dropped out of bidding @ various stages. while ttc expressed interest in cars built Škoda portland streetcar, company did not submit bid. siemens gained great deal of attention combino plus in 2007, newspaper advertisements , web site, decided ‘it in our better interest not bid’. bombardier , small british firm, tram power, submitted bids.

flexity outlook #4402 being used training vehicle.

bombardier displayed mock-up of flexity swift built minneapolis project, later offered variant of flexity outlook meet 100% low-floor requirement, promoting website called ‘the streetcar redefined’. tram power s product citytram, prototype of being tested on blackpool tramway until caught fire on january 24, 2007.

on july 18, 2008, ttc announced both bids had been rejected — according then-ttc chair adam giambrone, bombardier s entry have derailed on toronto streets , while tram power s not commercially compliant  — and reopened contract. bombardier actively disputed claim, adding either supply compliant car or pay $10.4 million of construction make ttc s track network compliant. ttc entered direct negotiations 3 companies (alstom, siemens, , bombardier) following august 27, 2008, commission meeting.

on april 24, 2009, ttc selected customized version of flexity outlook upgrade, possible use transit city plan well.

the city of toronto committed 1 third of necessary funds, , requested funding provincial , federal government streetcars. while provincial government agreed fund ⅓ of project, federal government unwilling provide money before june 27, 2009 deadline approached finalize contract bombardier. finally, toronto city council voted on june 26, 2009 commit other ⅓ of funding deferring other capital projects, such funding formula became ⅔ municipal , ⅓ provincial. official contributions announced ttc chair karen stintz @ unveiling on nov 15, 2012. province of ontario contributed cdn $416.3 million, federal government indirectly contributed cdn $108 million through gas tax fund, , city of toronto , ttc contributed cdn $662 million total cost of $1.2 billion.

the new flexity outlook streetcars entered revenue service on august 31, 2014, serving route 510 spadina. new streetcars have entered revenue service on march 29, 2015, serving route 509 harbourfront. flexity outlook streetcars serve route 514 cherry.


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