Salmon fishing Restigouche River

the river world-renowned atlantic salmon fishing. fly fishing/angling has become significant source of revenue many outfitters in region , 55-kilometre (34 mi) of restigouche has been designated part of canadian heritage rivers system.

according restigouche lodge between 15,000 , 25,000 salmon enter restigouche each year, attracts anglers on world. while many atlantic salmon reluctant strike, restigouche variety aggressive, , once hooked, fight hard , highly acrobatic.

the restigouche river known exclusivity, clear water , large atlantic salmon. fish on 40 pounds (18 kg) pounds landed somewhere on restigouche every year; salmon weights in high 20-to-30-pound (9.1 13.6 kg) range considered common. spring through end of june best time catching these salmon.

more 100 years, world s wealthiest people have come enjoy river s tranquil beauty , perfect canoeing conditions fish salmon. among vips have been guests @ river s fishing lodges include duke of windsor , wallis simpson, hubert humphrey, ted williams, lord beaverbrook, bing crosby, louis st. laurent, maurice richard, norman schwarzkopf, george h. w. bush, , brian mulroney, name few.

part of draw salmon fishing on rivers in new brunswick , quebec exclusivity - provincial government s department of natural resources auctions fishing leases physical sections of river , riverbed highest bidder. many private fishing lodges have been established on restigouche owned , operated major corporations , wealthy. such leases time-limited and, best fishing pools, can reportedly run millions of dollars fishing rights lasting few years. leaseholders must obey provincial conservation laws hiring own fish wardens patrol each leased section of river , persons sanctioned particular leaseholder fish in lease must hold provincial angling license. general public permitted right of navigation on river, per canada s navigable waters protection act; however, not permitted drop anchor in, or cause disturbance river bottom, , not permitted fish in particular lease area.

new brunswick s wealthy irving family has owned lodge many years @ 1 of best fishing holes on river – confluence of kedgwick restigouche – , government of new brunswick maintains rustic lodge in nearby larry s gulch has operated exclusive resort/get away politicians , friends of government in office. william kissam vanderbilt enjoyed fishing on river had private fishing lodge built, hiring famous new york city architect stanford white design , oversee construction of property called kedgwick lodge , fueling love affair of corporate america restigouche.

the canadian business elite outside of maritimes have not been enamoured river americans, although several prominent toronto families including eatons did have presence. largely due relative proximity of river boston, new york , philadelphia, helped make region small summer colony.

the designation of 55-kilometre (34 mi) stretch of upper restigouche heritage river in 1998 not first attempt preserve area. issues over-fishing new arrivals area led implementation, in 1824, of 1 of earliest examples of conservation laws in north america. culminated in implementation of fisheries act in 1858 , opened door private hunting , fishing clubs granting them fishing leases …. efforts of conservationists continue today groups such canadian parks , wilderness society. group claims 1 percent of restigouche watershed protected development.

the ristigouche

the ristigouche , salmon fishing chapter on angling literature limited edition book restigouche river written dean sage , published david douglas in edinburgh in 1888. notable containing portfolio of 16 etchings , engravings , numerous page decorations, depicting various aspects of river notable artists of day including stephen parrish, henry sandham, charles a. platt, anna lea merritt, charles oliver murray, , george w. aikman. initial print run of 105 numbered copies ristigouche is, according bonhams, rarest , beautiful book on salmon fishing . bonhams sold copy in 2007 us$18,000.


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