Legal training in colonial North America and 19th century U.S. Juris Doctor

tapping reeve, founder of first law school in north america, litchfield law school, in 1773

in time, apprenticeship program not considered sufficient produce lawyers capable of serving clients needs. apprenticeship programs employed trainee menial tasks, , while trained in day-to-day operations of law office, unprepared practitioners or legal reasoners. establishment of formal faculties of law in u.s. universities did not occur until latter part of 18th century. beginning of american revolution, supply of lawyers britain ended. first law degree granted u.s. university bachelor of law in 1793 college of william , mary, abbreviated l.b.; harvard first university use ll.b. abbreviation in united states.

the first university law programs in united states, such of university of maryland established in 1812, included theoretical , philosophical study, including works such bible, cicero, seneca, aristotle, adam smith, montesquieu , grotius. has been said university law schools of 19th century seemed preparing students careers statesmen rather lawyers. @ ll.b. programs in 1900s @ stanford university , yale continued include cultural study , included courses in languages, mathematics , economics. ll.b., or bachelor of laws, recognized prior bachelor s degree not required earn ll. b.

in 1850s there many proprietary schools originated practitioner taking on multiple apprentices , establishing school , provided practical legal education, opposed 1 offered in universities offered education in theory, history , philosophy of law. universities assumed acquisition of skills happen in practice, while proprietary schools concentrated on practical skills during education.

revolutionary approach: scientific study of law

joseph story, u.s. supreme court justice, lecturer of law @ harvard , proponent of scientific study of law

in part compete small professional law schools, there began great change in u.s. university legal education. short time beginning in 1826 yale began offer complete practitioners course lasted 2 years , included practical courses, such pleading drafting. u.s. supreme court justice joseph story started spirit of change in legal education @ harvard when advocated more scientific study of law in 19th century. @ time lecturer @ harvard. therefore, @ harvard education of trade school type of approach legal education, contrary more liberal arts education advocated blackstone @ oxford , jefferson @ william , mary. nonetheless there continued debate among educators on whether legal education should more vocational, @ private law schools, or through rigorous scientific method, such developed story , langdell. in words of dorsey ellis, langdell viewed law science , law library laboratory, cases providing basis learning principles or doctrines of law, considered science, consists. nonetheless, year 1900 states did not require university education (although apprenticeship required) , practitioners had not attended law school or college.

therefore, modern legal education system in u.s. combination of teaching law science , practical skill, implementing elements such clinical training, has become essential part of legal education in u.s. , in j.d. program of study.


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