Illicit use by groups Anabolic-androgenic steroids abuse

1 illicit use groups

1.1 criminals
1.2 governments

1.2.1 law enforcement

1.3 sports

1.3.1 professional wrestling
1.3.2 students middle school

illicit use groups

anabolic steroid use has been associated antisocial lifestyle involving various types of criminality.

law enforcement

steroid abuse among law enforcement considered problem some. s big problem, , number of cases, s shouldn t ignore. s not set out target cops, when re in middle of active investigation steroids, there have been quite few cases have led police officers, says lawrence payne, spokesman united states drug enforcement administration. fbi law enforcement bulletin stated “anabolic steroid abuse police officers serious problem merits greater awareness departments across country . believed police officers across united kingdom using criminals buy steroids , abuse power sexual gratification claims top risk factor police corruption.

professional wrestling

following murder-suicide of chris benoit in 2007, oversight , government reform committee investigated steroid usage in wrestling industry. committee investigated wwe , total nonstop action wrestling (tna), asking documentation of companies drug policies. wwe ceo , chairman, linda , vince mcmahon respectively, both testified. documents stated 75 wrestlers—roughly 40 percent—had tested positive drug use since 2006, commonly steroids.

middle school

according 1998 study, 2.7% of middle school students admitted taking steroids. 2% of non-users indicated use them in future.


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