Television series Serena van der Woodsen

1 television series

1.1 characterization
1.2 music
1.3 season 1
1.4 season 2
1.5 season 3
1.6 season 4
1.7 season 5
1.8 season 6

television series

people compares character josh schwartz s original it-girl creation, marissa cooper, stating serena seems have all, in addition party girl reputation, dark family secrets , disregard high society, serena one-ups sulky coop history of bff betrayal. jason gay of rolling stone describes serena bad girl gone good(ish) serves gossip girl s wobbly moral compass. added praise while describing strained relationship blair, stating, lively s serena former queen bee mysteriously disappeared campus, return , find spiteful ex-best friend, blair (meester), in charge. regards character s direction in show, actress blake lively commented on character s adventurous storylines during interview nylon saying feel ridiculous @ times her, because m, know, killing or marrying someone, me. m like, oh, absurd. vogue magazine considers lively s upbringing advantageous character background , finds dazzling , worldly , optimistic . mother, former model georgia dress differently , differing fashion choices drew attention of classmates l.a. private school enrolled in. school people downright mean me, lively stated. make fun of clothes because dressed differently other kids.


in november 2012 concept music artist marty mckay released single called serena featuring former dr. dre / aftermath producer focus.... song based on serena s character in gossip girl. due lack of promotion, song did not garner attention.

season 1

the first season introduces serena beautiful, wealthy daughter of divorced parents returns boarding school. return sparks old rivalry best friend, blair. serena s return due younger brother, eric van der woodsen, attempted suicide, , considered unwelcome, old best friend blair, has seen serena threat reign queen bee of constance. after serena reconciles her, chuck bass reveals serena knows cause of sudden departure prior first season - taking nate archibald s (blair s boyfriend) virginity during wedding, , attempts kiss her. serena manages escape , runs dan, st. jude s student brooklyn, expresses cynicism lifestyle wealthier classmates lead. serena finds friend in jenny humphrey, dan s younger sister. nate reveals tryst serena blair, , serena ostracized in first few episodes of show. blair , serena consistently fight , reconcile throughout show s subsequent episodes, dealing serena s tendency overshadow blair. serena , blair reconcile after heartfelt confrontation prompted serena admit mistake nate , leaving blair in time of need.

serena encounters myriad of problems mother becomes engaged bart bass forces family adjust living chuck, discovering mother s relationship dan s father, rufus humphrey, , complications of embarking on relationship dan met disapproval of mother , peers. relationship dan further reaches complications arrival of georgina sparks, longtime friend reveals viewers real reason why serena left manhattan. georgina drives commit same mistakes did before leaving manhattan, ranging partying excessively drinking heavily, causing serena miss sats. serena confronts georgina, draw anger, prompting georgina destroy relationship dan , blackmail knowledge of particular event in past: accidentally killed man. serena s constant lying in order keep dan discovering past takes toll on relationship , dan breaks her.

blair retaliates against georgina of chuck , nate , intervention of vanessa, driving georgina out of manhattan. serena tells dan truth discover during lily s wedding, wants end relationship. disappointed serena attempts move on throughout summer.

season 2

the second season shows serena spending summer family , blair in hamptons, attempting move on failed relationship dan. during dramatic party, , dan briefly reconcile relationship , return new york. relationship becomes public again ends sooner expected during blackout both unable move past problems ruined relationship. after disastrous double date dan , new transfer, amanda, ends 2 of blair s mean girls throwing nair @ amanda , dan accusing serena of being behind it, serena takes matters own hands , re-establishes herself queen, reigniting rivalry blair. has dan publicly ostracized throughout school. exposing herself new york s high society, meets poppy lifton, socialite, , further strains relationship blair during eleanor waldorf s fashion show when , poppy participate in it. serena , blair reconcile during trip yale, didn t want apply took opportunity after blair told couldn t possibly in.

an exhibit in rufus gallery has serena finding new love childhood friend , artist, aaron rose. reconciles dan friendship threatens new love aaron, prompting him escort ball serena receives news mother of bart s death. during bart s funeral, aaron notices continually drawn towards dan , invites come him argentina, accepts. upon return, serena breaks aaron , free pursue relationship dan. 2 reunite face awkward discovery share sibling. dan , serena s relationship further suffers when realizes diverging college choices, continuous mistrust in him, , dan s affair teacher drives prematurely end relationship.

after throwing disastrous sweet sixteen party jenny, serena retreats spain poppy , poppy s boyfriend, gabriel edwards. returns new york pursued gabriel after broke poppy , finds herself in new relationship. during party held mother, serena discovers gabriel , poppy have conned mother s guests , calls on blair s aid obtain stolen money, breaking gabriel pursues poppy. blair reluctantly teams chuck , reformed georgina, ignoring lily s wishes let handle herself, ending plan back-firing: serena arrested, poppy escapes , georgina, becoming scapegoat, eases old ways.

a stubborn serena chooses stay in prison, until dan bails out , 2 go prom together. arrest adds fame becomes local celebrity. on day of graduation, gossip girl sends blast further ruins serena , friends reputations. declaring war on gossip girl, serena finds herself center of blame when ticked-off gossip girl decides drop every unreleased piece of gossip had in store, creating further divide within group. sending text gossip girl, serena calls bluff knows gossip girl s identity, gossip girl escape , warning ll pursuing them in college. spends summer leaving new york carter in pursuit of father.

season 3

serena returns european adventure , complicated relationship carter indicates possible romance. los angeles times noted character s penchant secrecy stated seems though bad serena back, know highway of crazy behavior paved intentions. serena s relationship carter earns disapproval of peers discovers redeeming qualities in him. lily first assumes s preparing go brown defers entering, preferring stay in city , find herself. during lily s wedding, discovers carter s previous transgressions , loses him when chooses make amends mistakes, breaking heart in process.

serena makes time in new york useful taking job publicist, 1 short-lived relationships both friends , family begin erode. friendship blair , nate crumble due job finds more trouble when falls nate s married congressman cousin, trippp van der bilt (aaron tveit). relationship him tumultuous both nate , blair fail in persuading continuing affair. affair ends when offer become mistress trippp s wife makes come senses. serena , trippp return new york, car crashes, leaving hospitalized. survives , nate proves love , 2 begin relationship.

when chuck s mother returns, serena s resolve find father reignited. decision damages relationship nate reconnects carter old habits. knowing has information regarding father, 2 work find him no longer interested in relationship carter. jenny s growing feelings nate threaten relationship him when makes every effort steal nate her. during dorota s wedding, serena leaves carter , gives jenny message telling nate has found father. serena finds out carter has been delaying in attempt close , leaves him, flies alone. upon arriving, shocked find mother answering hotel door, assuming had been in canyon ranch entire time.

william van der woodsen (william baldwin) returns, making serena happy unknowingly dragged father s plot win ex-wife. plot works until jenny, blair, nate , chuck scheme against william, had been trying frame rufus adultery , intentionally misdiagnosing lily, , william leaves. father s departure leads dan comforting , reignites feelings him. serena sleeps on @ dan s , wake find in compromising position, 1 jenny photographs , sends gossip girl. photo spreads, nate , serena temporarily end relationship , joins blair summer in paris.

season 4

serena seen spending summer in paris blair, reluctant tell blair has enrolled in columbia, blair fears have them return high school pettiness, when receives news chuck might dead. after unfortunate double date involving handsome royal, blair forgives her. chuck s arrival , visit parisian morgue confirms alive serena pursues him in hopes of convincing him return new york when tries run away london. returns new york having made decision between dan , nate decision becomes irrelevant when sees them new respective significant others, vanessa , juliet sharp (katie cassidy), girl personal vendetta against serena.

serena s enrollment in columbia has face juliet s many attempts @ getting rid of her, ranging excluding exclusive society along driving blair against her, exposing relationship professor, colin forrester (sam page), happens juliet s cousin kicked out, , spreading various rumors serena, manages evade these attempts. juliet recruits jenny , vanessa , succeed in gaslighting toying dan , nate s feelings, attempting take foundation position blair, , returning old partying habits. serena rehabilitated while dan , blair subsequently discover juliet s reasons ruining serena. serena supposedly in illicit, not ever consummated, relationship juliet s half-brother , serena s boarding school english teacher, ben donovan (david call) , arrested when lily forged affidavit falsely accused ben of statutory rape, out of concern serena.

the holidays has serena trying figure out how release ben prison , relationship lily yet again strained. serena , dan put possible return relationship on hold, knowing might not have same chance of loving , trusting each other. meanwhile, ben s release prison reignites serena s feelings him , pursue loving, yet troubled relationship. serena s relationship ben erodes when receives news vanessa responsible hurting nate s father in prison , when ben s mother, cynthia, raises ben s personal troubles while @ same time seeking exonerate him. serena becomes proud of mother when lily decides face consequences of sending innocent ben prison. serena , ben s relationship ends due family complications.

serena s cousin, charlie rhodes, comes stay serena s family while. charlie helps serena find out dan , blair have had secret romance, causing fight between serena , blair. serena continues use charlie spy until noticing charlie starting act serena , steals serena s dress. in season finale, serena gets charlie medical condition, though later revealed charlie ivy, , ivy acting. later, while walking streets of los angeles, serena gets offered job in hollywood decides move to.

season 5

at start of season 5, serena has been working in los angeles assistant film producer while spending time bonding nate , chuck. struggles please boss, marshall, boss, jane, grants promotion after completing difficult task marshall not. runs charlie , convinces move new york her.

when dan brings serena, nate, blair, chuck, rufus , lily , reveals them wrote book life , of parts in it, serena offended when portrays self-centered, promiscuous party-girl , more upset when blair tells s s been. after revelation, stops speaking dan. cannot last, however, when boss, jane, requires serena movie rights dan s book. agrees saying trusts , genuinely gives him word protect him , work. when serena s boss tries distort dan s character , real life image in movie, kills deal in order protect him, when dan finds out, accuses of killing movie in fear of portrayal of own image. heartbroken @ unjust accusation, reveals him how real reason killing movie protect him alone, , walks away.

after being fired jane, serena hired nate s boss, diana payne, start blog based on life in order take down gossip girl. later, nate , serena discover list of sources gossip girl, silver bullet in diana s campaign against gossip girl. struggle on whether or not use , decide damaging release. list leaked anyway , 2 accuse each other before blair discovers louis leaked gossip girl s list of sources. charlie encourages serena start dating in order motivate her blog , begins dating guy named max met on street, not knowing max charlie s ex-boyfriend. diana arranges max meet serena @ opening of chuck s premiere of sleep no more in order make max has stood up. serena forgives max standing up, , 2 begin dating.

charlie finds out 2 dating , convinces slow down relationship. serena s aunt carol returns , serena overhears argument between 2 carol forcing charlie live under name ivy dickens . serena makes connection between max , charlie when remembers max s ex-girlfriend s name ivy. demands truth charlie , max. ivy charlie , carol manage convince serena , family max lying , serena tells max leave before calls police.

as serena , lily prepare charlie debut new york society, dan tells serena going tell blair how feels her. in order make dan see blair s happy ending louis, sends louis humphrey loft. when finds dan blair , chuck later, realizes gave desire blair blair s own happiness chuck , realizes blair still in love chuck. later night, after charlie s debutante party, serena receives call nate blair , chuck have been in accident. causes serena declare war on gossip girl, using nate s power @ spectator, , dan.

with gossip girl gone, serena finds gossip girl s tipsters have begun sending blasts via blog. nate encourages use blasts productively, serena reluctant become next gossip girl. meanwhile, serena concerned blair s well-being , confronts @ nate s new year s eve party blair tells accident god s way of telling , chuck not meant , made promise god if chuck lived, marry louis , dan has been going church since. in order cover blair, serena pretends has rekindled romance dan. romance becomes focus of soon-to-be-launched blog causes problems dan, while dan thinks romance fake, serena shown have genuine feelings dan again.

serena humiliated @ press premiere of new blog, being photographed holding tablet shows site not found. upset, told time wasn t right blog, discovers nate had shut down favour gossip girl. in return, gossip girl him find out truth blair , chuck s car accident. serena doesn t agree nate s suspicions trippp responsible, , confronts latter on @ waldorf residence. revealed set-up brought nate, serena , nate s grandfather way tripp admit behind accident thinking nate going in car instead.

following this, serena finds out blair arrested @ own bachelorette party, , rushes aide. blair tells s alright, , since s going go through wedding, serena doesn t have pretend dan anymore. serena, however, decides keep truth dan little while longer.

on blair s wedding day, serena tries convince blair not marry louis. blair goes through wedding anyway, after gossip girl launches video of blair professing true feelings chuck. after vows said, serena, dan , nate confront georgina , blames each of them in vague manner before leaving. when blair goes missing after wedding, serena , chuck search her, , find in motel in queens dan, upsets serena still has feelings him. when georgina arrives, serena revealed have georgina s video camera used record blair s confession , takes fall video.

following this, blair , serena in yet rut, forgive each other , serena unknowingly set on blind date dan, after told him feelings , rejected her. @ party later, , georgina find dan , blair kissing, causes rift between , blair. after grandmother s death , shocking news of will, serena starts vendetta against ivy (who received major part of cece s estate), trying win family fortunes. in surprising turn of events, gets package former gossip girl, georgina sparks, containing computer , means necessary become next gossip girl. serena accepts.

after losing reins gossip girl , unintentional role in exposing blair s diary upper east side, serena attempts deceive blair having sex dan. plan works dan realize has happened. serena once again tells dan loves him dan tells not feel her. depressed serena last seen leaving city 1 of damien dalgaard s drug dealers, flashback days before returned upper east side in season one.

season 6

in season 6, serena seen new boyfriend, steven spence (who older her.) seen leading happy, peaceful life away ues. confronted blair, says doesn t see how ever friends again. serena moves ues steven, , jealous daughter sage. sage uses every chance gets sabotage father s relationship serena, , proves herself on par, scheming-wise, georgina , blair. after shocking revelations, including fact steven has slept lily when last name müller, decide end things.

serena re-united dan again in last attempt make things work. dan, on hand, has been writing scathingly honest sequel inside of georgina. 1 of last , poignant chapters serena chapter, released during thanksgiving party. serena is, in chapter, described golden girl lives attention , love, , dramatically ends things dan. decides move away new york, intercepted dan, tries convince has loved , will. hurt , upset, doesn t believe him, , leaves. before leaves, dan slides file bag, opens on plane before take-off. revealed dan wrote 2 chapters on serena, , second 1 serena chapter . gets off plane , goes talk things through thoroughly dan.

in finale, dan reveals how first met @ party @ blair s, , how fell in love @ first sight. had realised never pull out of world , his, found way enter world creating ues blog. blog, launching serena s rise legend, became known gossip girl. serena realises gossip girl ever manifestation of dan s love her, , practically wrote them seven-year-long love letter.

a scene set in future shows reunited @ bass-waldorf residence, witnessing marriage of dan , serena.


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