Races and cultures Kalvan series

1 races , cultures

1.1 zarthani
1.2 urgothi
1.3 ruthani

races , cultures

the zarthani group of indo-european descendants speak language belongs branch of indo-european unattested in our timeline, has superficial resemblances ancient greek in sounds , word-endings (but not in grammar). words father , mother in zarthani phadros , mavra. zarthani inhabitants of 5 great kingdoms.


the urgothi race of proto-germans. thousand years after arrival of ros-zarthani, urgothi arrived cold lands. found coastal areas settled ros-zarthani , moved east , south sea of grass (the great plains) , near great river (the mississippi river).

the urgothi created middle kingdoms, including grefftscharr.


the ruthani real world native americans. considered barbarians zarthani, virtually exterminated eastern ruthani when arrived in area become great kingdoms.


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